- The application - provided by B&T Digital
- The user - the person or organisation using the application
- The data - the data provided by the user to the application
- The analysis - the analysis provided by the application based on the data provided by the user
Disclaimer & Limitation of Liability
The providers of well tested provide not warranty or guarantee of the accuracy of the data provided by the application. The user is responsible for the accuracy of the data provided to the application. Additionally, a relevently qualified engineer should be consulted before making any decisions based on the data or analysis provided by the application.
Well Tested, B&T Digital and FrateHoldings are not affiliated with any other organisations or companies. The application is provided by B&T Digital and is not affiliated with any other organisations or companies.
Data Privacy
The data provided by the user to the application is stored securely and is not shared with any third parties. The data is used only for the purpose of providing the analysis to the user. The data may be used for the purpose of improving the application, but will not be shared with any third parties.